A fruitful meeting took place yesterday at Lebanon Green Building Council (LGBC) premises with the association of architects and the branch of architectural consultant from The Order of Engineers and Architects Tripoli, from OEA Tripoli Eng. Hala Tamer, a member in OEA Council, and head of the branch of architects (2nd branch) and Eng. Suhair Laila, Head of association of architects at OEA Tripoli.
From LGBC, Engr. Pierre Dammous (President), Engr. Afif Nassim (General Secretary), Arch Nada Tfaily (board member), Engr. Toufic Assoum (accountant), and Engr. Fadi Gharib (Treasurer).
Both parties sought the different future cooperation paths and opportunities for the benefit of green, sustainability, and built environment awareness in Lebanon. On top of that, they agreed on an upcoming workshop entitled “resilient cities” that will take place on the mid of Jan2024 at the Arab Beirut University Tripoli Branch.
In addition, ARZ-2 Building Rating System was introduced and the President with Eng. Nassim and Eng. Assoum proposed a deep relation for the implementation of the software to the members of OEA and especially to Architects; Lebanon LGBC is willing to collaborate and delegate: Eng. Toufic Assoum and Eng. Afif Nassim to have full authority to help with the divulgation and implementation of the green measurement for the buildings, with ARZ-2, also including the ” Net Zero Carbon ” to update the culture of the Green in building, which is an expansion of the Green to the usage of materials with less carbon.