President's Letter of Dr. Samir Traboulsi

Subject: Strategic Vision for Lebanon GBC – (2025-2026)
Dear Colleagues & Supporters,
I am very honored and pleased to step again into the role of President of Lebanon Green Building Council extending my sincere gratitude for the trust you placed in me and in my colleagues of the Executive Committee (2025-2026).
We are excited to share the EXCOM strategic vision and our future plans aiming at strengthening our Council and expanding our impact.
- Public Relations & Communications
A strong online presence is crucial in today’s world. We are committed to continuously improving our website to serve a dynamic platform for engagement and information. Our focus will be on ensuring a user-friendly interface and regular content updates.
Additionally, we will introduce a dedicated section of volunteers and university collaborations. This platform will serve as a key communication tool, offering membership access, volunteer opportunities and donor engagement features.
ARZ 2. Rating system website will undergo continuous monitoring efforts aiming at attracting new clients and feed a database platform.
- Doubling Membership in 2025
One of our key goals is to double both individual and corporate membership. By the end of 2025, we aim to increase corporate membership to 30 and individual membership to 130. Our team will actively engage with members, enhancing the appeal of membership by offering valuable services and meeting the needs of our members to ensure their satisfaction.
- ARZ Rating System
We will review and refine our ARZ rating system for assessing project effectiveness and impact, and establishing clear performance indicators and reporting mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement. Promoting certification of ARZ 2. will reflect the success of the rating system and offer its credibility with respect to other existing rating systems.
- Activities & Projects
We will also invest in strengthening our current programs and activities, with the goal of expanding our reach, improving service delivery and enhancing collaboration with all stakeholders.
We will enhance the cooperation with the World Green Building Council, WGBC and its committees (MENA & Worldwide) and other NGOs of similar missions.
Our efforts will focus on advancing our mission to promote energy conservation standards across all building types, encourage the use of environmentally friendly building materials, reduce carbon emissions, and raise public awareness. These initiatives will support legislation and contribute to maintaining safe healthy buildings.
- Financing & Budgeting
A solid financial foundation is critical for our success. We will diversify our funding sources through grant applications, corporate partnerships, donor engagement programs, and an effective, transparent budgeting system. This will ensure efficient allocation of resources and maximization of our reach and impact.
- University MoUs and student/ Young Engineers Engagement
Actively pursuing Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with universities both locally and internationally, will allow us to engage students and young engineers in research, internship and volunteer opportunities encouraging the next generation of leaders to complete necessary training and contribute to our mission.
We will share our knowledge and participate in university events and activities and encourage chartering Lebanon GBC student sections and students membership.
Additionally, we will implement a structured approach to improve the efficiency of meetings, scheduling and administrative coordination between the EXCOM, standing committees, members at large and the administration. Regular face-face-to-face EXCOM, Committees meetings, online sessions and meetings on other platforms will be scheduled with clear agendas and defined follow-up actions to ensure smooth operations.
Furthermore, the establishment of Ad hoc and permanent committees will drive our mission forward, addressing key areas such as fundraising, advocacy, program development, updating internal bylaws to align with our mission and vision, and community outreach. These committees will include EXCOM members, dedicated members at large members, and experts who are committed to advancing our goals.
Our team will be ready to explore new areas of impact including worldwide current issues such as climate actions, indoor health awareness, decarbonization and skill development programs aiming to create a more inclusive and sustainable impact. Your unwaivering support to the newly elected EXCOM members will achieve remarkable milestones and together.
A word of thanks in my name and colleagues of the board, for your commitment and dedication.
Please accept our warm regards.
Samir R. Traboulsi, PhD., P. Eng.
Lebanon Green Building Council, President