President's Letter of Nohad Boudani

Together we will make the Change.
Dear LGBC Members / Dear All,
Lebanon and our planet need us all. The world main problem nowadays, is how to survive and how to coexist. Modern and new standards of life are putting a great stress on our natural resources and hence it is depleting very fast, which, if it continues at the same rate, will make the earth and our country a place hard to be inhabited. Look around us, environmental crisis is popping up left and right, waste crisis, energy crisis, global warming, weather anomalies… and if we look closely, all of these crisis are manmade and the obvious answer is to react rather than ignoring the problem. It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to contribute to the solutions and help our community, society and the environment.
Lebanon Green Building council has the mission to disseminate the culture of being green and act accordingly and without your support we cannot succeed. It is our responsibility “together” to produce and maintain a sustainable world and society by applying the innovative green technology and approaches that tackle our way of life and life style as well as culture.
It is not enough to have new green technologies or clean energy, it is our mission to build a “green” responsible individual. With you, we can make it, but only if all join our efforts to ensure having a sustainable community, village, city and country.
LGBC will continue to be the leader in implementing and innovating new technologies and new programs that will contribute in creating better environment and better society. It is not a question on just how we can manage our available resources but also on how we can change our way of thinking by adopting such new green and sustainable disciplines and you are all invited to be part of it. By sharing your expertise and knowledge, I am sure that our objectives will be achieved. Yes, “Together We Will Make The Change”.
Green Regards,
Nohad Boudani, President
Lebanon Green Building Council