President's Letter of Aram K. Yeretzian

Turbulent times vs. Green Buildings
August 5, 2013
Dear LGBC Constituents:
Lately, a wave of social turmoil, unrest revolts and armed confrontations in our region, is challenging our movement. In conversations, people are questioning the pertinence and use of the green building movement when our community is plunged into chaos caused by the current conflicts in the area.
My response to such skeptical questions is to hold firm on our unwavering commitment to fight environmental degradation despite the current political and economic crises.
Change doesn’t depend on governments or on politicians. Change comes from within. The green building movement has been demonstrating that fact for a few years now. Before the preparation of green criteria for building, before developers started soliciting certifications for their developments, before there was the ARZ Building Rating System – there was you.
Many committed individuals dedicated to doing better by doing good, have built this movement. You’re building sustainable communities. And every single one of us has a contribution to make towards improving our environment.
We cannot lose sight of our mission. It is gaining momentum. It is a long term aim.
The green building movement should deploy the expertise and capacity we’ve built to green new constructionas well as the existing building stock. Realizing our mission starts by engaging first in the improvement of our existing homes and buildings. It will save money. It will save energy. It will help save our climate. And directly relevant to today’s economic environment, it will create good, green, local jobs. Studies estimate that commitment to greening buildings would significantly increase new job opportunities in the construction sector.
We are approaching the autumn season and I am looking forward to the activities and constructive interactions that go with that season. We will meet at conferences, we will celebrate everything that your individual efforts have accomplished so far, and we’ll enjoy the fellowship of many friends and colleagues who share our vision for a sustainable future.
And we will keep moving forward.
With gratitude,
Aram K. Yeretzian
President and founding member,