LGBC met with two of the Advisors of the President from the Makhzoumi Foundation, Nabih Naamani &Sallama Namani in the presence of colleague Nada Tfayli.
First the president of LGBC Eng. Pierre Dammous introduced to the LGBC and Makhzoumi Foundation the new updated target and activity of the WorldGBC, the new concept of the “Advancing Net Zero” and the concept of the Embodied Carbon to be added to the green construction. This means that some updated knowledge and goals should encompass the old nomination of the Greenery concept and to the Demo Green Room educational project, with the ” Accelerating Net Zero”.
Makhzoumi representatives agreed on the updating goals including arch. Tfaily, which means activating some leaflets, flyers, and explaining panels to let students understand and be familiar with this new concept in order to fight climate change targets.
Makhzoum Foundation expressed their willingness to collaborate with the direction of the “Educational Center for Research & Development”, with our volunteering colleagues to enhance the notion of greenery and continue our presence to revive the Demo Room.
Makhzoumi Foundation promised to try contacting potential donors and sponsors and to offer trees and saplings for the agriculture part at the outdoor Demo Room.