On the 28th of February 2023, The World Green Building Council’s #MENA Regional Network kicked off the efforts for the MENA Net Zero Readiness Framework, the first of many strides towards #advancingnetzero in the #menaregion. Guided by the North Star goal to #decarbonize the built environment by 2050. Creating more livable, equitable, resilient, regenerative and inclusive spaces for everyone everywhere.
Mr. Pierre Dammous, LGBC (LEBANON GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL) President joined the event, along with other MENA GBC Councils.
Mr. Dammous reported that « the European and North America plus Australia, are being already involved with the acceleration for the decarbonization strategy; it is also debatable about if they can achieve the International agreement to limit the climate change to be limited to 1.5 degree C by 2050 ( there’s a Road Map to reach a milestone on 2025 and 2030).The rush against the above is at its beginning to improve the performance progressively since the industry leaders would be bankable and accountable toward their carbon footprint which will be calculated and there will be a trade upon the values toward the set point decided to be the benchmark, there will be a debit and credit on the measured footprint, the above to be understood as being the concept that footprint on each activity to be measured, especially on the construction field.
It is already a confusing strategy to be more developed through the International COP.
COP 28 will happen at Dubai in November to update the different regulations and funds to be employed in order to reach the target and the different milestones.”
It is a new trend to establish the Decarbonisation and NET ZERO business , it should be part of the sustainability equation in all sectors of the industries including the construction building, for the BOQ of each construction a new additional columns to be added mentioning the footprint of each material items, it could be an embodied carbon or a consumption running item for the carbon emissions all to be transformed to a final total footprint to be calculated to get per meter square the final result.
ALL industries, especially the cement and reinforcement steel, are in need of specialists in the field mentioned above, “Dar Al Handasah” has created a new additional section in their activities dealing for the Sustainability, Balsam Nehme is the head of this section .
Mr. Dammous expressed his impression by theawareness of the different big companies that are involved to enter the new Era of Carbon footprint, not to forget the interest of the Emirates government to be supported by multiple NGO and Volunteers to transmit to them some ideas to be discussed and observed by the committee of the COP 28 Event.
It was a pleasure to dream of a more sustainable future alongside the MENA Green Building Councils, Regional Partners and Net Zero Collaborators. Building a community of knowledge sharing, empathy and insight, working collaboratively to find context-based and homegrown solutions for the #climatecrisis and #racetozero.
Thanks for all the involved parties
Amira Ayoub Victoria Burrows Nadine Abu-Odeh Mohamad Juma Mahmoud Katarina Uherova Hasbani Balsam Nehme Joy Esther Gai Jiazi High-Level Climate Champions Dar Group AESG Abu Dhabi Ports Mashreq JLL Emirates Green Building Council Jordan GBC Egypt Green Building Council (Egypt GBC) Palestine Green Building Council LGBC-Lebanon Green Building Council Tunisia Green Building Council
Green Regards,