A general assembly took place on the 21rst of February 2023 in order to elect the upcoming LGBC Board 2023-2024.
The assembly started with a welcome note from President Pierre Dammous (2021-2022), followed by a financial presentation to the financial statement 2022 by LGBC auditor Mr. Elie Krayem from K & K Auditors & Consultants (Civil Co) that was approved by assembly attendees.
Mr. Dammous explained LGBC accomplishments for the previous two years and different projects achieved, welcomed the new elected board
who won the election by acclamationand thanked the nominating committee Mr. Elie Baradhy, Mr. Rida Al Cheikh, and Mrs. Dunia Abboud for monitoring the election process.
A discussion was moderated by Dr. Riad Assaf Project Manager of ARZ 2.0 regarding ARZ 2.0 Project launching in December 2022.
LGBC cordially announces the new board 2023-2024 who will carry through the flame of success for a term of two upcoming years(2023-2024).
President: Pierre Dammous
Vice President: Rima Sorour
Secretary: Afif Nassim
Treasurer: Fady Ghareeb
Accountant: Toufik Assoum
Board Member: Nada Tfaily
Board Member: Wahib Arairo
LGBC Board would like to thank all collaborating members who joined, Voting members (corporate, individual)who used their privilege and right to vote and Non-voting members who expressed their opinions.
Best Regards,
Check board (2021-2022) Accomplishments and Achievements, by visiting the following link: https://tinyurl.com/mr2hnewe