JOIN Lebanon Green Building Council(LGBC) webinars – Introduction to EcoConstruction & Green Building Certifications by Ms. Sara Jaber, Senior Sustainability Engineer at EcoConsulting, Future Energy Leader in the FEL100 and FELL18 programs of the World Energy Council, Group Coordinator (for Indoor Environmental Quality) in the Technical Committee for the development of the standard for Building Environmental Performance with LIBNOR.”
Date & Time: Friday 26 JUNE 2020, at 4:30 PM- BEIRUT TIME
Main topics to be discussed in Green Certifications Webinar :
• Intro to sustainable construction
• Benefits of certification
• “BREEAM” in the UK
• “LEED” in the U.S.
• Similarities between “LEED” & “BREEAM”
• Current international uptake & coverage
• Case study examples of LEED & BREEAM projects
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