In April 2019, Lebanon GBC, applied as a co-applicant to Lot1 of the call, European Commission – EuropeAid/163032/DD/ACT/LB-1
UNDP Energy & Environment Program – CEDRO 5 Project
“Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in support to Lebanon’s clean energy transition” , in partnership with CEDRO.
The main project aims to enhance innovation entrepreneurship and research, assisting in technology transfer and the creation of new value chain in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sector, supporting and initiating enabling policy, training and capacity building, and targeting effective awareness initiatives on renewable energy and energy efficiency.
The application was awarded the grant in September 2019.
Project will support the development of A Web Based ARZ Green Building Rating System.
More about ARZ Green Building Rating System.
The ARZ Building Rating System is designed to measure the extent to which existing commercial buildings in Lebanon are healthy, comfortable places for working, consuming the right amount of energy and water, while having a low impact upon the natural environment. In addition, the rating system stimulate building owners and facility managers to achieve ever-higher certification levels to attract discerning tenants and clients.