
LGBC Ethics


Lebanon Green Building Council (LGBC) is a not for profit, non- governmental organization (NGO) established by a group of Lebanese professionals with a vision to create and promote sustainability practices in the construction industry in Lebanon.
LGBC membership is open to individuals and organizations interested in the social, environmental and professional message of the Council.

LGBC board is elected by the members according to the internal by laws of the organization. The Board in turn elects the President and its officers for two years term.

The purpose of the code of ethics is to define the broad guidelines for the conduct and ethical values of the members of LGBC within the context of their involvement in the organization.
The members and officers of LGBC shall be accountable for their conduct during their LGBC involvement and severe violation of the code of ethics by any member can be subject to warnings or even expelling from the Council.

Lebanon Green Building Council
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يشرفنا في مجلس لبنان للأبنية الخضراء أن نشارك الدليل حول كيفية تحويل فندق أو شقة أو مبنى سكني إلى مركز معالجة مسبقة لفيروس كورونا المستجد.

لمعرفة المزيد، انقر على الرابط التالي