
The Green Apple Day 2020-2021

Building Sustainable Schools

As a part of its sustainable educative vision, LebanonGBC started in 2012 with the Green Apple Day event, an initiative from The Center of Green Schools at the United States Green Building Council (USGBC), that works to ensure that every student has the opportunity to attend a green school within this generation.

This event gives individuals, companies, and organizations the opportunity to transform all schools into healthy, safe, cost-efficient, and productive learning places. “It is a unique moment to join schools across the world to celebrate the central role that schools play in preparing the next generation of leaders in sustainability. A school’s event is an opportunity to give students hands-on experience with sustainability, strengthening public leadership, environmental literacy, and project management skills,” says the USGBC. 

This year and for the 5th year in a row (for 2020 2021 academic year), LebanonGBC and Dar (Dar Al-Handasah) joint to make this event a success. 

Due to the pandemic, LebanonGBC and Dar went a step forward through a virtual version of  The Green Apple Day 2020-2021. This year the annual classical workshop education and awareness event have evolved to a more innovative form giving the students an opportunity to compete for an upcycle / reuse Green Challenge. students that have presented the most innovative approach which deviated a potential waste to its best sustainable value will be awarded the Green Champion certification + Medal. Our volunteers, the experts in the sustainability field plays the role of projects evaluators. by the end of the session, each team will get a score based on sustainability technical criteria such as: environmental impact, Innovation, value, Practicality, Durability. and the winner will be presented as the green champion.


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